Landscape Renovation El Dorado Hills
Trust Green Valley Nursery & Landscape Design in El Dorado Hills for landscape renovation and remodeling
Green Valley Nursery & Landscape Design in El Dorado Hills are true landscape remodeling professionals, we have tuned hundreds of typical El Dorado Hills landscapes into luxurious, and useable landscape paradise solutions.
 | Green Valley Nursery & Landscape Design in El Dorado Hills renovation design plans are unique and attractive, but most importantly functional outdoor paradises. At Green Valley Nursery & Landscape Design renovation we take into account every single detail in the renovation of your front, side, and back yard, including the size, the shape, and the terrain, and have all the tools and professionals needed to create the perfect El Dorado Hills landscape renovation design paradise according to your specifications. El Dorado Hills Landscape Design & renovation is a very important part of improving your home value as well as being able to use your landscape. Even with continuous trimming and maintenance of your landscape, it becomes quite the process after 10 years to control where plants are growing and overcrowding plants is something we see much of in El Dorado Hills. Depending on how close your past El Dorado Hills landscaper planted your trees and shrubs will depend on the extent of your renovation. |
El Dorado Hills is second in the world next to france to having the most pollinated trees which means that trees in El Dorado Hills grow fast than that of anywhere else. El Dorado Hills landscapers tend to over plant, While this style of planting creates an established look much sooner, it also creates a need to renovate landscape foundation plantings much sooner. This always applies when the wrong plants are used for plantings close to your house.
Most of our client's landscape renovation inquiries regard overcrowded plantings that are between 10 - 30 years old landscape designs. At this advanced stage of growth, shrubs sometimes end up blocking windows and doors and end up overpowering the house. This overgrown plant infestation in landscape plantings also crowd walkways, flagstone, spa and hot tub area, and gazebo or patio cover areas. This problem will also give your home that "old" and not up to date feeling.
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